I love this quote from @brenebrown on setting boundaries within our relationships.
I've seen a lot of folx confuse setting boundaries with being selfish and I want you to know that it is exactly the opposite of that!
Saying "yes" all the time can lead to us feeling like the people in our lives are not taking us into consideration or acknowledging our needs
Continuing to say "yes" to things that you don't really want to do, just to keep the peace can cause resentment to build up in a relationship.
The longer you carry around resentment, the harder it will be to empathize with your partner, because you have so much un-cared for pain of your own.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Setting boundaries may be something that you were never used to doing before. Remember, it is always okay to start small, to ease into something new.
The more you get used to setting boundaries, the happier you'll feel.
Boundaries allow us to feel enjoyment
Boundaries help us feel more present and mindful and lead to intentional interactions
They help us feel more in control, and even help improve overall communication within our relationships.
What are some ways that setting boundaries has helped you?
If you have not been able to (and that's okay 😊 ) where is there an area in your relationship that you feel is in need of more boundaries?
With Compassion,
Cassandra Solano, LCSW
Yay for New Friends!
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