A recurring theme that has come up is what happens when we decide to start setting boundaries. Something interesting starts to happen to the people around you, and I want you to be prepared for it.
If you're starting to set boundaries anywhere in your life right now, remember that it's not going to be easy or comfortable, but every time we set or hold boundaries we are showing our inner child that they matter.
With Compassion,
Cassandra Solano, LCSW
#innerchildwork #settingboundariesisselfcare #selflovefirst #practicesettingboundaries #youcandohardthings #yourinnerchild #youcantpleaseeveryone #reparentyourself #takecontrolofyourlife #embraceyourinnerchild
Yay for New Friends!
Hi there! I'd love to gift you a free handout on a huge key to having healthy relationships: Attachment Styles. Your attachment style is just as important as your enneagram or horoscope in helping you understand yourself!