Healing happens in small steps. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed with lots of self help content to a point of doing nothing and staying stuck. Just like training for a 10k run would take time if you haven’t ran in a long time so that your body and muscles adjust to running longer distances, our nervous system also needs time, consistency, and small steps toward healing.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So today I invite you to just be 1% more self compassionate, nurturing, or kind towards yourself. Maybe this looks like not calling yourself a name, drinking more water, or taking a shower.
Small steps forward is how we train ourselves for more self love over time.
With Compassion,
Cassandra Solano, LCSW
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Hi there! I'd love to gift you a free handout on a huge key to having healthy relationships: Attachment Styles. Your attachment style is just as important as your enneagram or horoscope in helping you understand yourself!