Client Testimonial
"I heard about Cassandra Solano and their work through close friends. Hearing about how some of my friends were discovering unknown pieces of themselves through their work with Cassandra was instrumental in me gaining the desire and courage to become informed about what I was feeling I needed—to talk with a professional about past relationships, patterns that did not serve me well and where these came from, and ultimately, how to practice being in a healthy relationship, including with myself.
Prior to working with Cassandra and following their program, I was stuck in a continuous cycle of surface level relationships. By “surface” I mean that: I was not being honest with myself about needs; I was not being vulnerable with my romantic connections; and I was holding space for pseudo-relationships with men that fed my avoidance from connecting.
I knew then that if I wanted to be in a healthy relationship in the future, that there were patterns I needed to break, but first I needed to know the source of those patterns. I was stuck and I was ready to dig myself out with the help of someone who could guide me in a healthy way.
Committing to the private sessions with Cassandra has been one of the best decisions I have made for my life. There is no denying that this is tough work that requires commitment, trust, and vulnerability, but the rewards match and, dare I say, surpass the initial discomfort. Cassandra helped me understand the WHY of things and the HOW to approach my needs and my relationships in the future.
A specific change that I noticed almost instantly as I worked with Cassandra was the ability to recognize negative behaviors (in myself and in others) and this awareness helped in breaking the cycle that I was stuck in. When I had these breakthroughs (just in my everyday life) I was elated because I could see in a tangible way that all of this work was worth it!! I was observing real awareness and change and it was all due to my commitment to the work and to the tailored guidance that I was receiving from Cassandra.
Cassandra has a nurturing demeanor that truly allows for trust to build rather quickly. They are personable, they feel familiar, they are knowledgeable, and is a consummate professional—in short, you are getting The best in them. The way that Cassandra sets-up their program leaves room for as gradual a leap as you need. If you are unsure about this type of work, trust me when I say it is the best investment that I could have undertaken. You will learn about yourself and how YOU can make changes in your life for more authentic living.
The learning does not end, and there is beauty in that because that also means that the growth continues. Now, I am well-equipped with tools to face all parts of my SELF with compassion and with a lens for building healthy connections. My inner child is rejoicing in all of the pieces of me and those that I have yet to discover.

Ana G.
Client Testimonial
When I first reached out to Cassandra, I was desperate and lost. I had just experienced a year of difficult transitions and was experiencing high anxiety. I had been seeing another therapist twice a week for a few months but still felt stuck. Cassandra came into my life right when I needed her. I remember reaching out to a friend after my fourth session and saying, “I have made more progress in these four weeks than I did in months with my other therapist.”
From our first consultation, Cassandra made me feel safe and comfortable. She is so knowledgeable, speaks from experience, and finds a way to hold space for me and explain all of my feelings in a way that makes me feel completely understood and normal. I also love the option to be able to reach out for midweek support. It’s nice to be able to reach out to Cassandra in the moment rather than waiting until the next week to discuss something or get her input.
In the last 12 weeks, I have learned about my nervous system and how to rewire it to allow space for a healthier relationship with myself and others, how to speak my needs and set boundaries with others, and a handful of tips and tricks for my toolbox to help me manage my anxiety. Working with Cassandra has made such a huge impact on my life that I have decided to continue working with her for another 12 weeks! This has been the best investment for myself and my mental health and I can see the results bubbling over and leaving a positive impact on EVERY area of my life. If you are on the fence, this is your sign to take the jump! Everyone needs a Cassandra in their life.

Marissa S.
Client Testimonial

Helen M.
Client Testimonial
Working with Cassandra was amazing. they helped me understand myself as well as the outside sources that contributed to my life.
While making life-changing decisions they helped support me and give me things to focus on and work through so that I make good choices in the future. Cassandra also is very knowledgeable about emotional and physical health. They really helped me dig deep and do what was best for me.
I have learned to stick to my boundaries and speak up when I always held myself back out of fear. I looked forward to speaking with Cassandra every week. They made it fun. -Debra I.
Debra I.
Client Testimonial
I needed to dig into my body and understand my somatic needs while looking past at some trauma from my youth. Learning more about the nervous system was truly transformational! Cassandra is patient, empathic, and easy to talk to, but they will also call you on your BS.
If you are ready to truly face yourself, Cassandra will transform how you think about relationships and yourself Cassandra is truly knowledgeable about trauma, psychology, and how the nervous system works. they are also very compassionate and provide techniques that you can reference for the rest of your life.
I understood how my reactions are reflected in my body and how it is all related to nervous system regulation. I also was able to see how this has been reflected in my lineage, especially with the relationship with my mother. It allowed me to have compassion for her, while holding my own energy close. While I didn't intend to dive into romance because I feel that I'm in a safe relationship, Cassandra made me realize how my past trauma still might be showing up in it. I'm so grateful for their intelligence, honesty, and devotion to their work. -

Nisha M.
Client Testimonial
When I first found Cassandra on Instagram I was stuck in a relationship with a man that I loved deeply, but who would not reciprocate within our relationship. I was in a 8 year pattern of choosing partners who loved me, but would not contribute to me or our household. I was stressed, burned out, and being sucked dry by these partners, and the truth was that I was giving my power away and choosing to stay in these relationships. Cassandra helped me to recognize the relationship pattern that I was choosing and how this was related to old childhood wounds of feeling undeserving of better.
She never tried to convince me to break up with my partner, she empowered me to see my worth and make the best decision for myself. She helped me to navigate tough conversations with my partner to try and heal our relationship because in the beginning that is what I wanted. But then after seeing that my partner was not open to change I made the empowered decision to choose better for myself and Cassandra was my support system through this difficult transition.
I am so deeply grateful for her support and honesty. If you are contemplating working with Cassandra be ready for change and to really look at how your childhood wounds are affecting your relationships, because this is tough work.
However, on the other side of this I am now meeting new men and instead of begging for love and validation my first questions are, "are we a good match?" "could he be the partner I deserve?" "is he reciprocated and loving?" After years of work I am finally choosing me and that is because of this program.
The top benefits of this program were learning myself, how to show up authentically as myself in relationships, and asking for what I need. For the first time ever I feel hopeful that my next relationship is going to be the relationship that I deserve. I came from a broken home and never saw a good example of what a marriage should be, but now I have hope that I can learn how to create that for myself. Cassandra didn't wave a magic wand and fix all my childhood trauma, but she did create a supportive and empowering environment to take on my trauma in the context of relationships.
She was tough and straightforward, which I deeply appreciated because this led to major changes in my life. Before her program I was doing all the housework and was the breadwinner for a man who slept and played video games all day, and after I am living for myself. I redecorated my apartment the way that I wanted, I got a kitten, I have filled my space with supportive and loving friendships, and I am looking in the mirror and saying "hey sexy! ohhhh man... the next man to have you is a lucky one so choose wisely!" All of this in 12 WEEKS!!! I have been in therapy for 10 years and have never experienced this speed of change. If you truly are ready to do the hard work of confronting how your childhood wounds are impacting your relationships, reach out to Cassandra now. I am forever grateful to her.